Sunday 23 June 2013

The Northwest Traffic Jam

I got to chatting with a couple of French guys who were moored near the Dax in a very elegant catamaran. So elegant that I thought perhaps they would have figured out a way to build a wine cellar into a sailboat. Being French and all.
It turns out they were bringing the boat to meet its owner in Greenland, then sailing it through the Northwest Passage, with his wife  and three young daughters along for the ride.
Not only that, but a Canadian boat had left a couple of days previously, also headed through the Passage.
I realized that all of these boats, and perhaps many others, would probably find themselves time and again hanging around the same part of the passage, waiting for the ice to clear.
It sounds like the premise for a dramatic script. An unlikely assortment of strangers, thrust together by a shared obsession, on a mission to the ends of the earth. Someone should make a film about it.
Oh yeah, I forgot. I am.

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