Sunday 28 July 2013

Captain Dave

This is the captain of our chase boat, as we call it, the boat from which we will be shooting the Dax dodging icebergs. It is also known as a follow boat. In Danish, foljebot. Hey, I almost speak Danish!
His name is David, which inspires confidence, don't you think?
It is very interesting for me to meet these Greenlandic people, having now spent some time in the Canadian arctic. To me, they seem exactly like the Canadian Inuit. The same accent, the same mannerisms, the same sense of humour.
"We are going to have to go back now," he says very seriously, "we have run out of coffee."
We Daves understand and respect each other in ways non-Daves can never fully understand.
I'm sure that to each other, the Greenlanders and the Inuit seem quite different, I'd love to learn enough to start noticing the differences myself. They were made up of populations that had actually lost contact, and were unaware of each other's existence for a long time. The person credited with discovering that they in fact shared the same language, the same culture, and the same genes, was an early explorer named Knud Rasmussen, who although clearly not a Dave, was nevertheless a righteous dude. He was born in Ilulissat, and his birth house is now a museum. We go up there to shoot a scene, arriving at the agreed-upon time, and discover that the woman who was supposed to meet us had showed up and waited for us a day early. The two people working there haven't been told anything about us, don't speak English, don't particularly care, and make if clear that they think the best plan would be for us to go away now. I try to communicate with them by inserting Js into my sentences here and there, but it doesn't work. I guess I don't almost speak Danish after all. However Swedish and Danish are closely related, and Martin, the captain of the Dax, steps in to help and manages to negotiate a plan.
I am now considering extending to Martins some of the respect I had previously reserved for Daves. Of course I shall first have to investigate more fully his feelings about coffee. 

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