Tuesday 23 July 2013

The view from my window part 3

I am staying in Illulisat, the iceberg capital of the world. Two of us are staying in igloos. I stayed in an igloo once before, it was kind of cold and I got no sleep at all because I was sleeping between a cameraman and a soundman who both snored. This time it isn't a real igloo, it seems to be made of stainless steel, and instead of being kind of cold it is hot inside like a convection oven.
However there are no snoring technicians sharing it with me, and the view is amazing. I am looking out at the icebergs fresh off the glacier as they head out to look for ocean liners to sink.
Tomorrow our mission is to film the Dax making its way between these icebergs. And successfully failing to ram any, we hope.

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